Mark Metzler, CBET, and System Emgineer is a semi-retired Biomedical Engineer [I still do some consulting!], living in Silicon Valley. I have ‘hands-on’ experience, with over 1,000 different models of biomedical systems……including several high-end imaging systems.
I like to give 5-hour ‘drive-by tours’, of all of the most important technology sites in Silicon Valley. [Headquarters of Ebay, Paypal, CISCO, Intel Museum, AMD, NVIDIA, Netflix, Computer History Museum, Google, Youtube, Apple’s Old and New Headquarters, Stanford University, Yahoo, LinkedIn, Oracle……etc, etc, etc…… customized to your interests!]. So, if you come this way, stop by, to say ‘hi’…… and we can talk!

I put these pages up….as a way of researching the topic for a book I am writing, on this very interesting subject. It is still pretty much a ‘rough draft’. It may take me 5 years…to flesh out these pages! ….So, if you feel I have left out some important material….or failed to give you adequate credit for your work…..just let me know….and I will work with you to clarify the information.
Mark Metzler