Siemens’ R&D director, Willi A. Kalender, Ph.D. -developer of first spiral CT
“Outstanding results were the development of the world’s first product options for dual-energy CT [1] in 1983 and for metal artefact reduction (MAR) [2] in 1987.
The development and introduction of volumetric spiral computed tomography was a highlight of his work; the world’s first clinical spiral CT studies were presented at RSNA 1989 [3] and were highly welcomed. The combination of continuous data acquisition with slip-ring-based data transmission and continuous table translation led to considerable reduction of examination times, to an essential reduction of motion artefacts and image quality significantly improved by providing isotropic spatial resolution as a decisive feature.
The development of a number of new and advanced applications such as angio-CT [4] and heart phase-specific cardiac imaging [6] followed and became a big success.”