A Brief History of Medical Imaging PACS:
Stages in the Development of PACS:
A Radiology Information System or RIS is a software solution that will help your staff keep better tabs on each patient you treat.
Have you ever overheard radiology professionals discussing CIS but were not aware of what they were referring to? The term stands for Clinical Information System. It covers a number of software solutions that you may already be familiar with, including a RIS, an electronic medical record (EMR), or electronic health record (EHR) application.
Some radiology practices are still getting by without digital imaging, but their days are numbered. The transition to digital files is affecting all industries, and healthcare is a major beneficiary of modern software tools, standards, and protocols.
What Are the Differences Between PACS, RIS, CIS, and DICOM?
It’s difficult to pinpoint when the idea of a PACS was first introduced to the medical world. Some place its inception in 1979, as the brainchild of Professor Heinz Lemke from the Technical University of Berlin; while others credit the first large-scale implementation of PACS in 1982 at the University of Kansas.
RAMSOFT: A Brief History of PACS
This historical review covers the PACS development in the USA during the past 28 years from 1982 to 2010.
Short history of PACS. Part I: USA
“The history of PACS is really the story of the people who developed it. No list is complete, but here are the names provided by Steven C. Horii, MD, who was himself involved. “PACS development started primarily with the ‘pioneers’,” Horii says in an e-mail. He lists the following:”
University of Kansas (Sam Dwyer, PhD, Arch Templeton, MD);
University of North Carolina (Ed Staab, MD, Eugene Johnston, PhD, Steve Pizer, PhD, Bob Thompson, MS);
University of Pennsylvania (Ron Arenson, MD, Dan Morton, Jack London, PhD);
Washington University, St Louis (Gil Jost, MD, Jim Blaine, DSc);
University of Arizona (M. Paul Capp, MD, Sol Nudelman, PhD);
NYU Medical Center (Horii, Jim Schimpf, MS, MSEE, Gerald Q. “Chip” Maguire, PhD, Marilyn Noz, PhD);
University of Utah (Brent Baxter, PhD, Lou Hitchner, PhD, Maguire);
University of California, San Francisco (Don Simborg, MD);
University of California, Los Angeles (H.K. “Bernie” Huang, DSc).

Tanveer Abbas: Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS)
The History of Medical Imaging PACS
RAMSOFT: A Brief History of PACS
Tanveer Abbas: Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS)
Short history of PACS. Part I: USA