A Brief History of Digital Angiography :
“The term angiography has been applied to radionuclide angiography and newer vascular imaging techniques such as CT angiography and MR angiography. The term isotope angiography has also been used, although this more correctly is referred to as isotope perfusion scanning.”
Stages in the Evolution of Angiography:
“The first right heart catheterization in a human was performed by Werner Forssmann on himself in 1929.
Diagnostic cardiac catheterization was introduced by André Cournand and Dickinson Richards in the early 1940s.
Selective coronary angiography was described by Mason Sones in the early 1960s.”
A Brief History of Digital Angiography :
“The term angiography has been applied to radionuclide angiography and newer vascular imaging techniques such as CT angiography and MR angiography. The term isotope angiography has also been used, although this more correctly is referred to as isotope perfusion scanning.”
Stages in the Evolution of Angiography:
“The first right heart catheterization in a human was performed by Werner Forssmann on himself in 1929.
Diagnostic cardiac catheterization was introduced by André Cournand and Dickinson Richards in the early 1940s,
Selective coronary angiography was described by Mason Sones in the early 1960s.
Selective coronary angiography was described by Mason Sones in the early 1960s.
Pioneers in the Development of Digital Angiography:
The technique was first developed in 1927 by the Portuguese physician and neurologist Egas Moniz at the University of Lisbon to provide contrasted x-ray cerebral angiography in order to diagnose several kinds of nervous diseases, such as tumors, artery disease and arteriovenous malformations
Reynaldo Cid dos Santos performed the first aortogram in the same city in 1929. In fact, many current angiography techniques were developed by the Portuguese at the University of Lisbon.
in 1932, Lopo de Carvalho performed the first pulmonary angiogram via venous puncture of the superior member; in 1948 the first cavogram was performed by Sousa Pereira.
Radial access technique for angiography can be traced back to 1953, where Eduardo Pereira first cannulated the radial artery to perform a coronary angiogram.
With the introduction of the Seldinger technique in 1953, the procedure became markedly safer as no sharp introductory devices needed to remain inside the vascular lumen.
The first catheterization of the living human heart was performed by a young surgeon, Werner Forssman, (on himself!!) in 1929, in Eberswald, Germany.
Forssman’s goal was to find a safe way to inject drugs and contrast material into the right atrium for cardiac resusitation.