” In 1957, he invented the scintillation camera, known also as the gamma cameraor Anger camera. Anger also developed the well counter, widely used in laboratory tests to measure radioactivity in samples. Anger also developed a multi-plane tomographic radiation scanner using the Anger camera and a focussed radiation collimator.” ” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hal_Anger
” In all, Anger held 15 patents, many of them for work at the Ernest O. Lawrence Radiation Laboratory. Anger received several awards in recognition of his inventions and their contributions to the field of nuclear medicine. “
His gamma camera, also known as a scintillation or Anger camera, was developed in the 1950s. Through the use of gamma radiation, it produces an image of the metabolic processes that take place within organs and cells, capturing the active processes of diseases such as cancer rather than just showing the anatomical changes that accompany a disease.